Student Engagement: Synchronous Sessions
Suggested Questions For Student Engagement
Compiled by Dr. Selena A. Ramkeesoon
This document provides suggested questions you can ask students during a live session, post them on the Zoom whiteboard, or have students respond in the chat.
Question Ideas: Starting a Live Session
1. Is there anything from the asynchronous content you did not understand?
2. Was there anything in the asynchronous content you strongly disagreed with, found to be disturbing, or unsettling?
3. What are the two most significant things you have learned from the asynchronous content?
4. What are three challenges you could add to the argument or approach discussed in the asynchronous content?
5. What do you think was the most important point or central concept communicated during this week's asynchronous content?
6. What example or illustration cited in this week's content could you relate to the most?
7. What idea expressed in this week's content strongly affected or influenced your personal opinions, viewpoints, or values?
8. What idea(s) struck you as things you could or should put into practice?
9. What new ideas does this week's content offer?
10. What relationship do you see between this week's content and other topics previously covered?
11. What was the most persuasive or convincing argument (or counterargument) that you heard expressed in this week's content?
12. Would you agree or disagree with this statement: . . .? Why?
Question Ideas: Wrap Up
1. What questions do you have about the topic we are discussing?
2. Would you agree or disagree with this statement: . . .? Why?
3. Was there a position taken in today’s live session that you strongly disagreed with, or found to be disturbing, or unsettling?
4. What are the two most significant [central, useful, meaningful, surprising, disturbing] things you have learned during this live session?
5. What are three challenges you could imagine to the argument or approach we’ve been discussing?
6. What example or illustration cited in today’s live session could you relate to the most?
7. What idea expressed in today’s live session strongly influenced your personal opinions, viewpoints, or values?
8. What is one idea from this week's content that you can bring directly into your work?
9. What relationship do you see between today’s topic and other topics previously covered in this course?
10. What was discussed in today’s live session that seemed to connect with what you are learning?
11. What was the most persuasive or convincing argument (or counterargument) you heard expressed in today’s live session?
12. Is there anything discussed today that you do not understand?
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